Monday 12 September 2011


Warfare is war between groups of people in a country. Frequent war among the Indian kingdom s had two important impacts on ancient Indian society. First, ancient Indian society was divided into groups that were concerned with increasing their own power. Some wise people, such as Gautama Siddhartha. Who later become the Buddha, spoke out against war. However, most people at that time accepted and believed that there would always be warfare because of the existence of the kshatriya or warrior class.  


Rebllion is when people rise up and overthrow the ruler. People rebel against the rulers when they made the people angry by introducing unpopular laws such as high taxes. Rebellions were mostly led by those closest to the king, such as his ministers or even his own sons. Since the authority of an Indian king was strongest only in his capital city, rebellions often occurred in the provinces. Thus some kings sent spies to the provinces to keep an eye of the people and inform the kings of any suspicious behavior.

Saturday 10 September 2011


Another natural disaster that caused much suffering in ancient India was famine.A famine is a period of severe food shortage.It often occurs after a drought, a period of little or no rain.Without rain, crops die, resulting in food shortage.A famine can also be caused by a flood because crops and plants are washed away by the water.

Natural Disasters


Natural disasters were a constant threat to the people of ancient India.A major natural disaster that threatened the Indus people was the flooding for the Indus River.Floods would destroy home and crops, and drown people and animals.